retrocash.gif (4593 bytes) Baker Law Firm LLC
Credit Advice and Bankruptcy

3110 East Market Street York, PA 17402
Phone (717) 600-2900  FAX (717) 600-8042

Take our Fun Money Quiz

Instructions: Click on "Begin/Next" button below to start quiz. Be sure to use small letters (no caps) when entering your letter choice. Also, in order to get credit for each right answer, be sure to click on "Check Current Answer" before going on to the next question.

Question #:





Your answer:

  Be sure to use lower case letter (NO CAPS)

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The information at this site is intended for informational purposes only, and is not intended to give professional advice on any legal matter. Each case is unique and should be reviewed with a qualified attorney or other professional. We are a debt relief agency.  We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the  Bankruptcy Code.

Bankruptcy Information

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